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In September 2020, JAG Productions launched its new Ambassador program in response to the racial injustices that were highlighted in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. The program was built out of the community's desire for lasting and substantial change in social justice matters, but also to find creative ways to help JAG remain a cultural institution within the Upper Valley. In the Ambassador program local businesses adopt anti-racist practices and collectively promote marginalized voices in their operations, products, and services, such as being safe spaces for the BIPOC and LGBTQ+ people. This program has already proven fruitful in collaboration with the cocktail bar Wolf Tree in White River Junction, VT to concoct a cocktail and with Abracadabra Coffee Company in Woodstock, VT to develop a coffee roast, both called “Justice Allows Growth,” where the proceeds benefit JAG. Please support these businesses knowing that they are putting in the work to be allies to JAG and to the BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities. 



The current members of the JAG Ambassador program are: 

Silo Distillery Logo 2020.png
VTGlove Logo.png
Yankee Bookshop.png

Community collaborations and partnerships are a valued aspect of our work. To improve our Upper Valley community – to make it a place where people are healthy, safe, and cared for – takes a lot of work. The ability to partner effectively with other individuals and organizations – both inside and outside the community – is absolutely essential to engaging, binding, and building our community. In our partnerships, we seek two way streets that are mutually beneficial for you/your organization and JAG. Whether you are seeking to engage a broader community, work with specific artists, want to become part of the Ambassador program, or just need some advice on a project, JAG is excited to partner with you to make our shared community a stronger, more empathetic, and compassionate place to live and work.


For more information on the Ambassador Program, please email

Address: 35 Railroad Row, Suite #405
                      PO Box 354

                      White River Junction, VT 05001
Phone: 802-332-3270
Hours: 10am - 3pm | M-F

Copyright ©2024


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